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Automatic Image Segmentation By Tree Pruning
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Journal Of Mathematical Imaging And Vision. , v. 29, n. 02/03/15, p. 141 - 162, 2007.
Bergo F.P.G.
Falcao A.X.
Miranda P.A.V.
Rocha L.M.
The Image Foresting Transform (IFT) is a tool for the design of image processing operators based on connectivity, which reduces image processing problems into an optimum-path forest problem in a graph derived from the image. A new image operator is presented, which solves segmentation by pruning trees of the forest. An IFT is applied to create an optimum-path forest whose roots are seed pixels, selected inside a desired object. In this forest, object and background are connected by optimum paths (leaking paths), which cross the object's boundary through its "most weakly connected" parts (leaking pixels). These leaking pixels are automatically identified and their subtrees are eliminated, such that the remaining forest defines the object. Tree pruning runs in linear time, is extensible to multidimensional images, is free of ad hoc parameters, and requires only internal seeds, with little interference from the heterogeneity of the background. These aspects favor solutions for automatic segmentation. We present a formal definition of the obtained objects, algorithms, sufficient conditions for tree pruning, and two applications involving automatic segmentation: 3D MR-image segmentation of the human brain and image segmentation of license plates. Given that its most competitive approach is the watershed transform by markers, we also include a comparative analysis between them. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. 29 02/03/15 141 162 Audigier, R., Lotufo, R.A., Falcão, A.X., 3D visualization to assist iterative object definition from medical images (2006) Comput. Med. 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