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Direct Liquefaction Of Hydrolytic Eucalyptus Lignin In The Presence Of Sulphided Iron Catalysts
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Catalysis Today. , v. 5, n. 4, p. 523 - 531, 1989.
Schuchardt U.
Marangoni Borges O.A.
The liquefaction of hydrolytic eucalyptus lignin has been studied in hydrogen donor and non-donor solvents in the presence of ferrocene and of ferrocene associated with sulphur or carbon disulphide. With the exception of tetralin, all reactions were carried out at supercritical conditions of the solvent. It was found that the yields of heavy oils increase significantly with the increase in hydrogen pressure in the non-donor solvents. The oil yields also increase with the density of the solvent but level out at densities higher than 0.30 g/ml. The consumption of molecular hydrogen is significant in the non-donor solvents; in the donor solvents the hydrogen is mostly transferred from the solvent itself. In the non-donor solvents, the oil yields depend strongly on the efficiency of the catalyst, but not in the donor solvents. © 1989. 5 4 523 531 Fengel, Wegener, (1984) Wood: Chemistry, Ultrastructure and Reactions, , Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York Goheen, (1981) Organic Chemicals from Biomass, p. 143. , I.S. Goldstein, CRC Press, Inc, Boca Raton, Florida Clark, Hicks, Harris, (1951) Tappi, 34, p. 6 J. Giesen, Swiss Patent 318,446 U.S. Patent 2,991,314Lautsch, Piazolo, Über die Hydrierung von Lignin und ligninhaltigen Stoffen mit Wasserstoff abgebenden Mitteln, insbesondere Alkoholen (1943) Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft (A and B Series), 76, p. 486 Lai, Sarkanen, (1971) Lignins: Occurrence, Formation, Structure and Reactions, p. 165. , K.V. Sarkanen, C.H. Ludwig, Wiley-Interscience, New York Albert, Wolk, (1981) Chemistry of Coal Utilization, p. 1919. , M.A. Elliot, John Wiley and Sons, New York, sec. suppl. vol Anderson, Tillmann, (1979) Synthetic Fuels from Coal, p. 104. , John Wiley and Sons, New York Stenberg, Tanabe, Ogawa, Sweeny, Hei, (1983) Prepr.-Am. Chem. Soc.-Div. Fuel Chem., 28, p. 183 Blessing, Ross, (1978) Am. Chem. Soc. Symp. Series, 71, p. 171 Whitehead, (1981) Coal Process. Technol., 7, p. 1 Jezko, Gray, Kershaw, (1982) Fuel Process. Technol., 5, p. 229 Schuchardt, Matos, Leal, Peixoto, (1980) Quim. Nova, 3, p. 161 Philip, Anthony, (1982) Fuel, 61, p. 351 Giddings, Myers, McLaren, Keller, (1968) Science, 162, p. 67 Kudchadker, Alani, Zwolinsky, (1968) Chem. Rev., 68, p. 659