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Using Patterns To Support The Design Of Flexible User Interaction
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3540731040; 9783540731047
Lecture Notes In Computer Science (including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics). , v. 4550 LNCS, n. PART 1, p. 1033 - 1042, 2007.
Baranauskas M.C.C.
De Almeida Neris V.P.
The social value of Web applications is in their potential to be the conduit for many different types of applications to many different people, using different resources and embedded in diverse contexts. Designing for flexibility involves many people, with different skills, interests and levels of commitment, including, designers, developers and users. Tailorable features in the user interface demand a clear bond between the phases in the whole software lifecycle, starting from requirements elicitation to the design and development stages. As interaction patterns have been considered a promising approach to bridge the gaps between analysis, design and implementation of usability related features, this work first investigates and synthesizes from literature a set of interaction patterns related to tailoring activities. From this analysis, a semiotic-informed categorization of tailorable user interface features is presented and discussed; an elicitation pattern for tailorable user interface features illustrates the usefulness of the proposal. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007. 4550 LNCS PART 1 1033 1042 Alexander, C., Ishikawa, S., Silverstein, M., Jacobson, M., Fiksdahl-King, I., Angel, S., (1977) A Pattern Language: Towns, Building, Constructions, , Oxford Univer. Press, NY Arvola, M.: Interaction Design Patterns for Computers in Sociable Use. Journal of Computer Application in Technology. 25(2-3), 128-139 (2006)Beck, K.: User Interface (Last visit: February 2007) ui.htmlBorches, J.: A Pattern Approach to Interaction Design (Last visit: February 2007), T., Lee, J.: Experiences - A Pattern Language for User Interface Design (Last visit: February 2007) Experiences.htmlGamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R., Vlissides, J., Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley Boston, EUA 1995Henderson, A., Kyng, M., There's no place like home: Continuing Design in Use (1991) Design at work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems, pp. 219-240. , Greenbaum, J, Kyng, M, eds, Lawrence Erlbaum Ass, Hillsdale, NJ Jones, M.C., Rathi, D., Twidale, M.B.: Wikifying your Interface: Facilitating Community-Based Interface Translation. DIS 2006, June 26-28, 2006, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA, ACM (2006) 1-59593-341-7/06/0006Juristo, N., Moreno, A., Sanchez-Segura, M., (2006) Using Elicitation Patterns to Gather Usability Functionalities, , Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Faculdad de Informática. Internal Document Kahler, H., Morch, A., Stiemerling 0, Wulf, V., Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The (2000) Journal of Collaborative Computing. CSCW, 9 (1), pp. 1-4 Laakso, S. User Interface Design Patterns (Last visit: February 2007), K., (2000) Semiotics in Information Systems Engineering, , 1st edn. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. UK Ma, J., Kienle, M., Kaminski, P., Customizing Lotus Notes to Build Software Engineering Tools (2003) Proceedings of the conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative, pp. 211-222. , Toronto Mackay, W., Triggers and Barriers to Customization Software (1991) Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems: Reaching through technology, pp. 153-160. , New Orleans, pp Nadin, M., Interface Design: A semiotic paradigm (1988) Semiotica, 69 (3-4), pp. 269-302 Oliveira, O., Baranauskas, M., A Semiótica e o Design de Software (1998), Technical Report -Computing Institute, Unicamp 98, 09Patterns of Interaction: a Pattern Language for CSCW (Last visit: Februaary 2007) pointer/patterns.htmlRivera, D., The Effect of Content Customization on Learnability and Perceived Workload (2005) CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, pp. 1749-1752. , Portland, USA Segerståhl, K., Jokela, T.: Usability of Interaction Patterns CHI 2006, April 22-27, 2006, Montreal, Québec, Canada. ACM (2006) 1-59593-298-4/06/0004Stamper, R.K., Althaus, K., Backhouse, J., (1988) MEASUR: Method for Eliciting, Analizing and Specifying User Requirements, , Olle, T.W, Verrijn-Stuart, A.A, Bhabuts, L, eds, Computerized assistance during the information systems life cycle, Elsevier Science Publishers, North-Holland Stamper, R., Language and computer in organized behavior (1992) Linguistic Instruments in Knowledge Engineering, pp. 143-163. , Riet, R.P, Meersman, R.A, eds, Elsevier, Amsterdam Tidwell, J.: Common Ground: A Pattern Language for Human-Computer Interface Design (Last visit: February 2007) interaction_patterns.htmlYahoo! Design Pattern Library (Last visit February 2007) Patterns-A UC Berkeley Resource for Building User Interfaces (Last visit: February 2007) webpatterns2/webpatterns/home.phpvan Welie, M.: Web Desig Patterns (Last visit: February 2007)