dc.creatorDe Souza E.R.
dc.identifierSociedade E Cultura. , v. 15, n. 2, p. 297 - 308, 2012.
dc.descriptionThe violence observed in the relationship between lesbian women in Campinas (SP), during the ethnographic field research conducted for my doctorate, established itself as an analytical challenge, because it is a sensitive topic in what refers to homosexuality, which is a practice still stigmatized. The research revealed gender violence practices, not only against women, but also between lesbian women. The lesbian mother lives in a space between parenthood and homosexuality, a marginal border which does not fully offer all the rights of motherhood and neither of homosexuality. The ambiguity between motherhood and homosexual orientation is always at stake, and it is this ambiguity that is the target of violence, which gains concreteness in the body of the woman who lives in this marginal space. Therefore, the challenge is to perceive the conflicting parts that make up these women's lives.
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dc.relationSociedade e Cultura
dc.titleIntersections Among Homosexuality, Family And Violence: Lesbian Relationships In The Region Of Campinas (sp) [interseções Entre Homossexualidade, Família E Violência: Relações Entre Lésbicas Na Região De Campinas (sp)]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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