Artículos de revistas
The Use Of 1-methylcyclopropene And Fast Cooling In The Peach Conservation [utilização De 1-metilciclopropeno E Resfriamento Rápido Na Conservação De Pêssegos]
Registration in:
Engenharia Agricola. , v. 27, n. 1, p. 238 - 246, 2007.
Pinto L.C.D.B.
Jorge J.T.
Postharvest losses vary among the different vegetable products. However, among fruits and vegetables the losses generally range from 30% to 50%. Thus, this paper aimed the application of 1-methylcycloprene (1-MCP) and fast cooling with forced air (PC) on peaches, in order to estimate their effects in the ripening process of this fruit. Physiological analyses were performed, such as loss of fresh mass, firmness, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, ratio and CO2 production, as well as sensorial analyses such as color, texture and flavor. The experiment was divided in two phases. In the first one, concentrations of 30, 60, and 90 nL/L 1-MCP, applied at 0 °C and 20 °C, were tested. The fruits treated without 1-MCP were denominated control for both temperatures studied. The second phase was composed by the following treatments: cold storage (CS) or control, cooling with forced air (CFA), cooling with forced air followed by 1-MCP application (CFA + 1-MCP) and 1-MCP application (1-MCP). 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