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The Influence Of Clamp Usage On Clot Deposit Formation Inside Thoracic Drains [a Influência Do Uso Do "clamp" Ou Braçadeira No Acúmulo De Coágulos Em Drenos Pleurais Tubulares]
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Revista Do Colegio Brasileiro De Cirurgioes. , v. 35, n. 2, p. 79 - 82, 2008.
de Lima A.G.
Rocha E.R.F.
Seabra J.C.T.
Mussi R.K.
dos Santos J.G.
Contrera Toro I.F.
Background: A prospective study was done to evaluate the influence of clamp usage on clot formation inside thoracic drains. Methods: Each drain was weighed soon after removal; they were then washed, dried and weighed again. The difference between the first andsecondw eights was taken as the amount of clot deposit formed. Results: We found more clots accumulated inside the drains that were temporarily obstructed by the clamp. Conclusion: In this study, there were more clots formation inside thoracic drains clamped, even if they were occluded intermottently. This can lead thoracic drains to function improperly. The discussion about the correct usage of thoracic drains must he a subject for educational programs for physicians and nurses, to aim for the safest use of this widely used and highly efficient system. 35 2 79 82 Lima, A.G., Toro, I.F.C., Tincani, A.J., Barreto, G., A drenagem pleural pré-hospitalar: Apresentação de mecanismo de válvula unidirecional. (2006) Rev Col Bras Cir, 33 (2), pp. 101-106 Barton, E.D., Epperson, M., Hoyt, D.B., Fortlage, D., Rosen, P., Prehospital needle aspiration and tube thoracostomy in trauma victims: A six-year experience with aeromedical crews (1995) J Emerg Med, 13 (2), pp. 155-163 Hyde, J., Sykes, T., Graham, T., Reducing morbidity from chest drains (1997) BMJ, 314 (7085), pp. 914-915 McMahon-Parkes, K., Management of pleural drains (1997) Nurs Times, 93 (52), pp. 48-49 Wagner, R.B., Slivko, B., Highlights of the history of nonpenetranting chest trauma (1989) Surg Clin North Am, 69 (1), pp. 1-14 Baumann, M.H., What size chest tube? What drainage system is ideal? And other chest tube management questions (2003) Curr Opin Pulm Med, 9 (4), pp. 276-281 Harris, D.R., Graham, T.R., Management of intercostal drains (1991) Br J Hosp Med, 45 (6), pp. 383-386 Graham, A.N., Cosgrove, A.P., Gibbons, J.R.P., McGuigan, J.A., Randomised clinical trial of chest drainage systems (1992) Thorax, 47 (6), pp. 461-462 Symbas, P.N., Chest drainage valve (1978) Emerg Med Serv, 7 (3), pp. 41-46 Munnell, E.R., Thoracic drainage (1997) Ann Thorac Surg, 63 (5), pp. 1497-1502 Coughlin, A.M., Parchinsky, C., Go with the flow of chest tube therapy (2006) Nursing, 36 (3), pp. 36-41 Shuster, P.M., Chest tubes: To clamp or not to clamp (1998) Nurs Educ, 23 (3), pp. 9-13 Tooley, C., The management and care of chest drains (2002) Nurs Times Plus, 98 (26), pp. 49-50 Bar-El, Y., Ross, A., Kablawi, A., Egenburg, S., Potentially dangerous negative intrapleural pressures generated by ordinary pleural drainage systems (2001) Chest, 119 (2), pp. 511-514 Smith, R.N., Fallentine, J., Kessel, S., Underwater chest drainage: Bringing the facts to the surface (1995) Nursing, 25 (2), pp. 60-63 Younes, R.N., Gross, J.L., Aguiar, S., Haddad, F.J., Deheinzelin, D., When to remove a chest tube? A randomised study with subsequent prospective consecutive validation (2002) J Am Coll Surg, 195 (5), pp. 658-662 Gambazzi, F., Schirren, J., Thoraxdrainagen, Was its "evidence based"? (2003) Chirurg, 74 (2), pp. 99-107 Wallen, M., Morrison, A., Gillies, D., O'Riordan, E., Brigde, C., Stoddart, F., Mediastinal chest drain clearance for cardiac surgery (2006) The Cochrane Library, Issue, 1 Tattersall, D.J., Traill, Z.C., Gleeson, F.V., Chest drains: Does size matter? (2000) Clin Radiol, 55 (6), pp. 415-421