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Mercury In The Waters Of The Jundiaí River, Sp, Brazil: The Role Of Dissolved Organic Matter
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Aquatic Geochemistry. , v. 18, n. 5, p. 445 - 456, 2012.
Fagnani E.
Guimaraes J.R.
Fadini P.S.
Many developing countries have regions of high demographic density, where untreated residuary waters from different sources are often discharged into rivers, streams and other water bodies. This paper discusses the reducing action of organic matter of anthropic origin on the mercury redox cycle in the Jundiaí River impacted by discharged wastes, and on the Piraí River, a non-impacted water body. The total mercury concentrations in these locations vary from 1.7 to 32 ng L -1 in the former and from 0.6 to 10.6 ng L -1 in the latter. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations of up to 68.3 and 6.5 mg L -1 were observed, confirming the higher impact on the Jundiaí River. It was found that an inverse correlation between the concentration of dissolved organic carbon and total mercury was stronger in the Jundiaí River, given that it receives higher organic loads, suggesting that organic matter exerts a reducing action on mercury, which is released as gas into the atmosphere. This correlation was not observed in the Piraí River, where the organic matter of natural origin is probably not sufficiently labile to act intensely upon the Hg redox cycle, favoring the metal transport. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 18 5 445 456 Akerblom, S., Meili, M., Bringmark, L., Johansson, K., Kleja, D.B., Bergkvist, B., Partitioning of Hg between solid and dissolved organic matter in the humus layer of boreal forests (2008) Water Air Soil Pollut, 189, pp. 239-252 Barringer, J.L., Szabo, Z., Schneider, D., Atkinson, W.D., Gallagher, R.A., Mercury in ground water, septage, leach-field effluent, and soils in residential areas, New Jersey coastal plain (2006) Sci Total Environ, 361, pp. 144-162 Benoit, J.M., Gilmour, C.C., Mason, R.P., Heyes, A., Sulfide controls on mercury speciation and bioavailability to methylating bacteria in sediment pore waters (1999) Environ Sci Technol, 33, pp. 951-957 Bisinoti, M.C., Sargentini Jr., E., Jardim, W.F., Seasonal behavior of mercury species in waters and sediments from the Negro River basin, Amazon, Brazil (2007) J Braz Chem Soc, 18, pp. 544-553 Bloom, N.S., Crecelius, E.A., Determination of mercury in seawater at subnanogram per liter levels (1983) Mar Chem, 14, pp. 49-59 Boudou, A., Ribeyre, F., Aquatic ecotoxicology: from the ecosystem to the cellular and molecular levels (1997) Environ Health Perspect, 105 (SUPPL. 1), pp. 21-35 Caron, S., Lucotte, M., Regional and seasonal inputs of mercury into Lake St. Pierre (St. Lawrence River), a major commercial and sports fisheries in Canada (2008) Water Air Soil Pollut, 195, pp. 85-97 Chadwick, S.P., Babiarz, C.L., Hurley, J.P., Armstrong, D.E., Influences of iron, manganese, and dissolved organic carbon on the hypolimnetic cycling of amended mercury (2006) Sci Total Environ, 368, pp. 177-188 (2005) Resolução n o 357, , CONAMA-Brazilian Environmental National Council, Brasília-DF: Diário Oficial da União Covelli, S., Faganeli, J., de Vittor, C., Predonzani, S., Acquavita, A., Horvat, M., Benthic fluxes of mercury species in a lagoon environment (Grado Lagoon, Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy) (2008) Appl Geochem, 23, pp. 529-546 de Oliveira, L.C., Sargentini Jr., E., Rosa, A.H., Rocha, J.C., Simões, M.L., Martin-Neto, L., da Silva, W.T.L., Serudo, R.L., The influence of seasonalness on the structural characteristics of aquatic humic substances extracted from Negro River (Amazon State) waters: interactions with Hg(II) (2007) J Braz Chem Soc, 18, pp. 860-868 Dennis, I.F., Clair, T.A., Driscoll, C.T., Kamman, N., Chalmers, A., Shanley, J., Norton, S.A., Kahl, S., Distribution patterns of mercury in lakes and rivers of northeastern North America (2005) Ecotoxicology, 14, pp. 113-123 Dong, W.M., Liang, L., Brooks, S., Southworth, G., Gu, B., Roles of dissolved organic matter in the speciation of mercury and methylmercury in a contaminated ecosystem in Oak Ridge, Tennessee (2009) Environ Chem, 7, pp. 94-102 Drott, A., Lambertsson, L., Bjorn, E., Skyllberg, U., Do potential methylation rates reflect accumulated methyl mercury in contaminated sediments? 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