dc.creatorCoral-Ghanem C.
dc.creatorAlves M.R.
dc.identifierArquivos Brasileiros De Oftalmologia. , v. 71, n. 3, p. 328 - 336, 2008.
dc.descriptionPurpose: To evaluate the clinical performance of Monocurve and Bicurve (Soper-McGuire design) rigid gas-permeable contact lens fitting in patients with keratoconus. Methods: A prospective and randomized comparative clinical trial was conducted with a minimum follow-up of six months in two groups of 63 patients. One group was fitted with Monocurve contact lenses and the other with Bicurve Soper-McGuire design. Study variables included fluoresceinic pattern of lens-to-cornea fitting relationship, location and morphology of the cone, presence and degree of punctate keratitis and other corneal surface alterations, topographic changes, visual acuity for distance corrected with contact lenses and survival analysis for remaining with the same contact lens design during the study. Results: During the follow-up there was a decrease in the number of eyes with advanced and central cones fitted with Monocurve lenses, and an increase in those fitted with Soper-McGuire design. In the Monocurve group, a flattening of both the steepest and the flattest keratometric curve was observed. In the Soper-McGuire group, a steepening of the flattest keratometric curve and a flattening of the steepest keratometric curve were observed. There was a decrease in best-corrected visual acuity with contact lens in the Monocurve group. Survival analysis for the Monocurve lens was 60.32% and for the Soper-McGuire was 71.43% at a mean follow-up of six months. Conclusions: This study showed that due to the changes observed in corneal topography, the same contact lens design did not provide an ideal fitting for all patients during the follow-up period. The Soper-McGuire lenses had a better performance than the Monocurve lenses in advanced and central keratoconus.
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dc.relationArquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia
dc.titleFitting Monocurve And Bicurve (soper-mcguire Design) Rigid Gas-permeable Contact Lenses In Keratoconus Patients: A Prospective Randomized Comparative Clinical Trial [avaliação Comparativa Da Adaptação De Lentes De Contato Rígidas Gás-permeáveis Monocurvas E Bicurvas (desenho Soper-mcguire) Em Pacientes Portadores De Ceratocone: Um Estudo Prospectivo E Randomizado]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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