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Cleaning By The Occasional Cleaner Diplodus Argenteus (perciformes: Sparidae) In South Brazil: Why So Few Client Species?
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Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom. , v. 87, n. 4, p. 1013 - 1016, 2007.
Krajewski J.P.
Here I record the cleaning activity of the occasional cleaner Diplodus argenteus at rocky reefs off southern Brazil. Diplodus argenteus juveniles are referred to as occasional cleaners, but there is no further description of their cleaning activity in the literature. Only two fish species were here recorded as clients, which I hypothesize to be related to a lack of visual attractiveness of D. argenteus cleaning services. 87 4 1013 1016 Arnal, C., Verneau, O., Desdevises, Y., Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of cleaning behaviour in the family Labridae: Importance of body colour pattern (2006) Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19, pp. 755-763 Bansemer, C., Grutter, A.S., Poulin, R., Geographic variation in the behaviour of the cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus (Labridae) (2002) Ethology, 108, pp. 353-366 Becker, J.H.A., Curtis, L., Grutter, A.S., Cleaner shrimp use rocking dance to advertise cleaning service to clients (2005) Current Biology, 15, pp. 760-764 Carvalho-Filho, A., (1999) Peixes: Costa Brasileira, , 3rd edn. São Paulo: Editora Melro Côté, I.M., Evolution and ecology of cleaning symbioses in the sea (2000) Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 38, pp. 311-355. , ed. R.N. Gibson and M. Barnes, pp, London: Taylor and Francis DeLoach, N., (1999) Reef fish behavior: Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas, , Jacksonville: New World Publications Inc Grutter, A.S., Cleaner fish really do clean (1999) Nature, London, 398, pp. 672-673 Grutter, A.S., Parasite infection rather than tactile stimulation is the proximate cause of cleaning behaviour in reef fish (2001) Proceedings of the Royal Society, 268, pp. 1361-1365 Hostim-Silva, M., Andrade, A.B., Machado, L.F., Gerhardinger, L.C., Daros, F.A., Barreiros, J.P., Godoy, E.A.S., (2006) Peixes de Costão Rochoso de Santa Catarina: I. Arvoredo, , Itajaí: Editora da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí Johnson, W.S., Ruben, P., Cleaning behavior of Bodianus rufus, Thalassoma bifasciatum, Gobiosoma evelynae, and Periclimenes pedersoni along a depth gradient at Salt River Submarine Canyon, St. Croix (1988) Environmental Biology of Fishes, 23, pp. 225-232 Limbaugh, C., Cleaning symbiosis (1961) Scientific American, 205, pp. 42-49 Randall, J.E., Allen, G.R., Steene, R.C., (1997) Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and coral sea, , Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press Sazima, C., Grossman, A., Bellini, C., Sazima, I., The moving gardens: Reef fishes grazing, cleaning, and following green turtles (2004) Cybium, 28, pp. 47-53 Sazima, C., Sazima, I., Plankton aggregation and occasional cleaning by adult butterflyfish, Chaetodon striatus (Chaetodontidae), in Southwestern Atlantic (2001) Cybium, 25, pp. 145-151 Sazima, I., Similarities in feeding behaviour between some marine and freshwater fishes in two tropical communities (1986) Journal of Fish Biology, 29, pp. 53-65 Sazima, I., Moura, R.L., Sazima, C., Cleaning activity of juvenile angelfish, Pomacanthus paru, on the reefs of the Abrolhos Archipelago, western South Atlantic (1999) Environmental Biology of Fishes, 56, pp. 399-407 Sazima, I., Sazima, C., Francini Filho, R.B., Moura, R.L., Daily cleaning activity and diversity of clients of the barber goby, Elacatinus figaro, on rocky reefs in southeastern Brazil (2000) Environmental Biology of Fishes, 59, pp. 69-77 Shepherd, S.A., Teale, J., Muirhead, D., Cleaning symbiosis among inshore fishes at Althorpe Island, South Australia and elsewhere (2005) Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 129, pp. 193-201 Stummer, L.E., Weller, J.A., Johnson, M.L., Côté, I.M., Size and stripes: How fish clients recognize cleaners (2004) Animal Behaviour, 68, pp. 145-150