Actas de congresos
Evaluating The Performance Of A Biclustering Algorithm Applied To Collaborative Filtering - A Comparative Analysis
Registro en:
0769529461; 9780769529462
Proceedings - 7th International Conference On Hybrid Intelligent Systems, His 2007. , v. , n. , p. 65 - 70, 2007.
De Castro P.A.D.
De Franca F.O.
Ferreira H.M.
Von Zuben F.J.
Collaborative filtering (CF) is a method to perform automated suggestions for a user based on the opinion of other users with similar interest. Most of the CF algorithms do not take into account the existent duality between users and items, considering only the similarities between users or only the similarities between items. The authors have proposed in a previous work a bio-inspired methodology for CF, namely BIC-aiNet, capable of clustering rows and columns of a data matrix simultaneously. The usefulness and performance of the methodology are reported in the literature. Now, the authors carry out more rigorous comparative experiments with BIC-aiNet and other techniques found in the literature, as well as evaluate the scalability of the algorithm in several datasets of different sizes. The results indicate that our proposal is able to provide useful recommendations for the users, outperforming other methodologies for CF. © 2007 IEEE.
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