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Prognostic Factors For Complications Following Pulmonary Resection: Pre-albumin Analysis, Time On Mechanical Ventilation, And Other Factors [fatores Prognósticos Em Complicações Pós-operatórias De Ressecção Pulmonar: Análise De Pré-albumina, Tempo De Ventilação Mecânica E Outros]
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Jornal Brasileiro De Pneumologia. , v. 32, n. 6, p. 489 - 494, 2006.
Bianchi R.C.G.
De Souza J.N.
Giaciani C.D.A.
Hoehr N.F.
Toro I.F.C.
Objective: To determine whether pre-operative nutritional status and post-operative time on mechanical ventilation, as well as others factors, are correlated with post-operative complications (general or pulmonary) in patients undergoing elective thoracic surgery. Methods: A prospective study was conducted, involving 71 patients undergoing elective pulmonary resection. The data collected pre-operatively included gender, age, smoking status, pre-albumin level, lymphocyte count, and body mass index. The peri-operative data included type of surgery and surgical time, as well as post-operative time on mechanical ventilation. Results: Post-operative complications were found to correlate with low pre-albumin concentration, type of resection, surgical time, and post-operative time on mechanical ventilation. Surgical time and post-operative time on mechanical ventilation were also implicated in the post-operative pulmonary complications observed in 22 (30.99%) of the patients studied. Conclusion: Our results suggest that pre-albumin concentration, type of surgery and surgical time, as well as post-operative time on mechanical ventilation, serve as predictive indices of post-operative complications in patients undergoing elective pulmonary resection. In the analysis of the post-operative pulmonary complications, statistically significant correlations were found between such complications and increases in surgical time or post-operative time on mechanical ventilation. 32 6 489 494 Mirra AP, Justo FA. Particularidades da cirurgia pulmonar. In: Jorge Filho I, Andrade JI de, Ziliotto Junior A, editores. Cirurgia geral: pré e pós-operatório. São Paulo: Atheneu 1995. p.605Jackson CV. Preoperative pulmonary evaluation. Arch Intern Med. 1988;148(10):2120-7. Comment in: Arch Intern Med. 1990;150(5):1116Trayner Jr, E., Celli, B.R., Postoperative pulmonary complications (2001) Med Clin North Am, 85 (5), pp. 1129-1139 Jorge Filho I, Basile Filho A, Madureira Filho D. 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