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Fat Substitutes In Processing Of Sausages Using Piramutaba Waste
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Journal Of Food Science And Technology. Springer India, v. 51, n. 7, p. 1269 - 1277, 2014.
De Fatima Henriques Lourenco L.
Dos Santos Galvao G.C.
Da Conceicao Amaral Ribeiro S.
De Fatima Amaral Ribeiro C.
Park K.J.
The aim of this study was to evaluate fat substitute in processing of sausages prepared with surimi of waste from piramutaba filleting. The formulation ingredients were mixed with the fat substitutes added according to a fractional planning 24-1, where the independent variables, manioc starch (Ms), hydrogenated soy fat (F), texturized soybean protein (Tsp) and carrageenan (Cg) were evaluated on the responses of pH, texture (Tx), raw batter stability (RBS) and water holding capacity (WHC) of the sausage. Fat substitutes were evaluated in 11 formulations and the results showed that the greatest effects on the responses were found to Ms, F and Cg, being eliminated from the formulation Tsp. To find the best formulation for processing piramutaba sausage was made a complete factorial planning of 23 to evaluate the concentrations of fat substitutes in an enlarged range. The optimum condition found for fat substitutes in the sausages formulation were carrageenan (0.51%), manioc starch (1.45%) and fat (1.2%). © 2012 Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India). 51 7 1269 1277 Al-Bulushi, I.M., Kasapis, S., Dykes, G.A., Al-Waili, H., Guizani, N., Al-Oufi, H., Effects of frozen storage on the characteristics of a developed and commercial fish sausage (2011) J Food Sci Technol, , doi: 10.1007/s13197-011-0441-x Ambrosiadis, J., Vareltzis, K.P., Georgakis, S.A., Physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of cooked meat emulsion style products containing vegetable oils (1996) Int J Food Sci Tech, 31, pp. 189-194. , 1:CAS:528:DyaK28Xks1ektbk%3D Andrès, S., Zaritzky, N., Califano, A., The effect of whey protein concentrates and hydrocolloids on the texture and colour characteristics of chicken sausages (2006) Int J Food Sci Tech, 41, pp. 954-961 Auh, J., Kim, Y., Cornillon, P., Yoon, J., Yoon, S., Park, K., Cryoprotection of protein by highly concentrate branched oligosaccharides (2003) Int Food Sci Tech, 38, pp. 553-563. , 1:CAS:528:DC%2BD3sXks1Gmsb0%3D Barreto, L.M., Beirão, L.H., Influência do amido e carragena nas propriedades texturiais de surimi de tilápia (Oreochomis sp) (1999) Cienc Tecnol Alimen, 19, pp. 183-188. , 10.1590/S0101-20611999000200005 1:CAS:528:DC%2BD3cXhsVyktA%3D%3D Bhattacharyya, D., Sinhamahapatra, M., Biswas, S., Preparation of sausages from spent duck-an acceptability study (2007) Int J Food Sci Technol, 42, pp. 24-29. , 1:CAS:528:DC%2BD2sXhs1Okt7g%3D (2000) Ministério da Agricultura, Regulamentos Técnicos de Identidade e Qualidade de Carne Mecanicamente Separada, de Mortadela, de Lingüiça e de Salsicha, , VisualizarAnexo?id=1638, Brasil Acessed Nov 15 2011 Ministério da Saúde, Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária-ANVISA. 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