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Data Partition And Variable Selection For Time Series Prediction Using Wrappers
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0780394909; 9780780394902
Ieee International Conference On Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings. , v. , n. , p. 4740 - 4747, 2006.
Puma-Villanueva W.J.
Dos Santos E.P.
Von Zuben F.J.
The purpose of this paper is a comparative study of a non-exhaustive, though representative, set of methodologies already available for the partition of the training dataset in time series prediction, and also for variable selection under the wrapper paradigm. The partition policy of the training dataset and the choice of a proper set of variables for the regression vector are known to have a significant influence in the accuracy of the predictor, no matter the choice of the prediction model. However, there has been no extensive search for a figure of merit supporting a comparative analysis. Here, two partition policies, denoted sequential and random, are compared, and among the variable selection approaches using wrappers, forward selection is contrasted with sensitivity based pruning. Five real financial time series with trends and seasonality have been considered and multilayer perceptrons are adopted as the predictor. The obtained results indicate with high confidence that the rarely adopted random partition and the computationally intensive forward selection overcomes the contestants in the whole set of experiments. © 2006 IEEE.
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