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Predictive Factors Of Species Composition Of Follower Fishes In Nuclear-follower Feeding Associations: A Snapshot Study
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Neotropical Ichthyology. Sociedade Brasileira De Ictiologia, v. 12, n. 4, p. 913 - 920, 2014.
Teresa F.B.
Sazima C.
Sazima I.
Floeter S.R.
We tested whether habitat, identity, size of nuclear fishes, and intensity of bottom disturbance caused by their foraging can predict the composition of fish followers in nuclear-follower feeding associations. The study was carried out in a stream of the Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Southwestern Brazil. We performed underwater observational sessions (total 12 h) of such interspecific interactions to obtain data about the identity and abundance of the followers in the association, as well as the identity and size of the nuclear fish. We also evaluated whether different intensities of bottom disturbance due to the nuclear fish foraging and type of habitat may influence interactions. We recorded 38 episodes involving nuclear and follower species. Using a multivariate analysis with distance matrices, we noted that the intensity of bottom disturbance caused by nuclear fishes was the main predictor of the composition of the follower species (r = 0.55, p < 0.01), as well as the identity of the nuclear species, although this latter relation was weak (r = 0.09, p = 0.05). Such results indicate that followers react readily to sediment suspension, which reflects the trophic plasticity and opportunistic foraging characteristic of most tropical freshwater fishes. 12 4 913 920 Abelha, C.F., Agostinho, A.A., Goulart, E., Plasticidade tröfica em peixes de âgua doce (2001) Acta Scientiarum, 23, pp. 425-434 Angermeier, P.L., Karr, J.R., Fish communities along environmental gradients in a system of tropical streams (1983) Environmental Biology of Fishes, 9, pp. 117-135 Baker, J.A., Foster, S.A., Observations on a foraging association between two freshwater stream fishes (1994) Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 3, pp. 137-139 Carvalho, L.N., Zuanon, J., Sazima, I., Natural history of Amazon fishes (2009) Tropical Biology and Conservation Management: Case studies, pp. 113-144. , Del-Claro, K., P. S. Oliveira & V. Rico-Gray (Orgs.), Eolss Publishers Co. 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