dc.creatorOrru T.
dc.creatorRosa J.L.G.
dc.creatorDe Andrade Netto M.L.
dc.identifier3540340459; 9783540340454
dc.identifierLecture Notes In Computer Science (including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics). , v. 3960 LNAI, n. , p. 11 - 20, 2006.
dc.descriptionAn implementation of a computational tool to generate new summaries from new source texts in Portuguese language, by means of connectionist approach (artificial neural networks) is presented. Among other contributions that this work intends to bring to natural language processing research, the employment of more biologically plausible connectionist architecture and training for automatic summarization is emphasized. The choice relies on the expectation that it may lead to an increase in computational efficiency when compared to the so-called biologically implausible algorithms. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
dc.description3960 LNAI
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dc.relationLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
dc.titleSabio: An Automatic Portuguese Text Summarizer Through Artificial Neural Networks In A More Biologically Plausible Model
dc.typeActas de congresos

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