dc.creatorWeirich Neto P.H.
dc.creatorBorghi E.
dc.creatorSverzut C.B.
dc.creatorMantovani E.C.
dc.creatorGomide R.L.
dc.creatorNewes W.L.D.C.
dc.identifierCiencia Rural. , v. 36, n. 4, p. 1186 - 1192, 2006.
dc.descriptionIn order to increase agricultural production, Brazil opted for the expansion of farming areas and the intensive use of mechanization, causing serious damage to soils. At the same time, conservation practices such as no-tillage farming are also in use. Nevertheless, soil density assessments are necessary in both situations. Practical and controversial, the methodology of penetrometry is the most utilized in such assessments. The objective of this study was to identify the vertical stratification of soil resistance to penetration. Data was collected in a Typic Hapludox under no-tillage. Samples were collected in forty points of a 50 x 50m grid. Soil resistance was evaluated in three different positions in each point: plant rows, between the plant rows, and in the rows of the tractor path. Measurements were taken using a hydraulic-electronic penetrometer. Factorial analysis with orthogonal rotation, a Multivariate Analysis technique, was used to analyze soil resistance of soil layers. Four layers were identified in the plant rows, when more superficial layers had higher relative variance. Three layers were identified in the plant rows and in rows of the tractor path, points of anthropic action; in this case, deeper layers had higher relative variance.
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dc.relationCiencia Rural
dc.titleMultivariate Analysis Of Soil Resistance To Penetration In No-tillage [análise Multivariada Da Resistência Do Solo à Penetração Sob Plantio Direto]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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