Artículos de revistas
Application Of Lidar To Forest Inventory For Tree Count In Stands Of Eucalyptus Sp [aplicação Do Lidar No Inventário De Florestas Plantadas Com Eucalyptus Sp Para Contagem De árvores]
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Cerne. , v. 18, n. 2, p. 175 - 184, 2012.
de Oliveira L.T.
de Carvalho L.M.T.
Ferreira M.Z.
Oliveira T.C.A.
Acerbi Junior F.W.
Light Detection and Ranging, or LIDAR, has become an effective ancillary tool to extract forest inventory data and for use in other forest studies. This work was aimed at establishing an effective methodology for using LIDAR for tree count in a stand of Eucalyptus sp. located in southern Bahia state. Information provided includes in-flight gross data processing to final tree count. Intermediate processing steps are of critical importance to the quality of results and include the following stages: organizing point clouds, creating a canopy surface model (CSM) through TIN and IDW interpolation and final automated tree count with a local maximum algorithm with 5 × 5 and 3 × 3 windows. Results were checked against manual tree count using Quickbird images, for verification of accuracy. Tree count using IDW interpolation with a 5×5 window for the count algorithm was found to be accurate to 97.36%. 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