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Morpho-anatomy Of The Tuberous Root Of Vernonia Oxylepis Sch. Bip. In Mart. Ex Baker - Asteraceae [morfoanatomia Da Raiz Tuberosa De Vernonia Oxylepis Sch. Bip. In Mart. Ex Baker - Asteraceae]
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Acta Botanica Brasilica. , v. 20, n. 3, p. 591 - 598, 2006.
Vilhalva D.A.A.
Appezzato-da-Gloria B.
Several native herbaceous and subshrub species native to the Cerrado in Brazil are geophytes, that is, they survive the unfavorable dry season and low temperatures, that sometimes coincide with fire, with only the underground system intact. Vernonia oxylepis is one of these species and the aim of this study was to describe the morpho-anatomy of the tuberous root and bud formation on this structure. The main axis of this root is perpendicular to the soil surface, and from which aerial shoots arise periodically throughout the life cycle. On the upper portion of the root, self-grafting of the shoots occurs. The root stores lipids and fructans, exhibits contraction and produces reparatory buds; adventitious buds arise from proliferated pericycle. 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