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Addressing Universal Access In Social Networks: An Inclusive Search Mechanism
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Universal Access In The Information Society. Springer Verlag, v. 13, n. 2, p. 125 - 145, 2014.
dos Reis J.C.
Bonacin R.
Baranauskas M.C.C.
Social network services (SNSs) have brought new possibilities and challenges to the design of software environments that respect people's cultural differences. These systems may represent an opportunity for social and digital inclusion. However, search mechanisms in these systems impose serious barriers for people in the process of acquiring digital literacy. One of the barriers is the difficulty of using the adequate terms/keywords to perform content searches. This paper presents an approach to allow ordinary, non-technology proficient people to access the content of a network through the use of search parameters that make sense to them. The proposal is grounded on Semantic Web technologies (Web ontology) combined with Organizational Semiotics concepts and methods to identify the users' profile and language. A case study was conducted with the search mechanism integrated into a SNS, and a preliminary evaluation reveals the advantages and drawbacks of the approach. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 13 2 125 145 Boyd, D.M., Ellison, N.B., Social network sites: definition, history, and scholarship (2008) J. Comput. Mediat. 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