Artículos de revistas
Context And Competition In São Paulo Politics [contexto E Competição Na Política Paulista]
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Dados. , v. 55, n. 1, p. 119 - 171, 2012.
Meneguello R.
Neto F.B.
This article analyzes the changes in local politics and in political parties' electoral bases in São Paulo since 1985. The study refocuses on the premises of the contextual approach and electoral geography to show that São Paulo politics displays specific territories, and that both socioeconomic structural factors and the dynamics of relations between the center and the periphery act to shape electoral preferences. As for competition in the State, the study shows that since 1994, politics in São Paulo has been oriented by the dynamics of Brazilian national politics, grounded in the bipartisan dispute between the Workers' Party (PT) and the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB). 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