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Phenology Of Chrysophyllum Gonocarpum (mart. & Eichler) Engl. (sapotaceae) In Semideciduous Forest In Southern Brazil [fenologia De Chrysophyllum Gonocarpum (mart. & Eichler) Engl. (sapotaceae) Em Floresta Semidecídua Do Sul Do Brasil]
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Revista Brasileira De Botanica. , v. 29, n. 4, p. 595 - 602, 2006.
Bianchini E.
Pimenta J.A.
Dos Santos F.A.M.
Phenological patterns of Chrysophyllum gonocarpum (Mart. & Eichler) Engl. were investigated from May 1995 to December 1997 in a tropical semideciduous forest in southern Brazil (23°27' S and 51°15' W). Forty trees were monthly observed for changes on leaf fall and flushing, flowering, and fruiting. The leaf fall occurred in the dry period while leaf flushing, flowering and dispersion occurred at the beginning of the wet season. Except fruiting, all phenophases were highly synchronized. The majority of individuals flowered annually, although they did not fruit annually. Leaf fall was negatively associated with rainfall and temperature and flowering was positively associated with daylength. 29 4 595 602 ADLER, G.H., KIELPINSKI, K.A., Reproductive phenology of a tropical canopy tree, Spondias mombin (2000) Biotropica, 32, pp. 686-692 AUGSPURGER, C.K., Phenology, flowering synchrony, and fruit set of six neotropical shrubs (1983) Biotropica, 15, pp. 257-267 BIANCHINI, E. 1998. 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