dc.creatorAlves V.M.
dc.creatore Silva A.C.P.
dc.creatorNeto V.L.M.
dc.creatorde Andrade T.G.
dc.creatorNardi A.E.
dc.identifierRevista De Psiquiatria Clinica. , v. 39, n. 1, p. 35 - 39, 2012.
dc.descriptionBipolar disorder (BD) is a common disorder that affects approximately 1% of the population. It is associated with both chronic and acute severe features, such as low remission rates and a high prevalence of clinical and psychiatric comorbidities. The aim of the present article is to synthesize data from various articles that investigated genetic polymorphisms associated with BD. The 129 articles selected identified 79 (85.87%) genes associated with BD. This analysis identified the five genes that are the most cited in the literature: CANAC1C, DAOA, TPH2, ANK3 and DISC1. Of the 92 genes identified in these articles, 33 (35.87%) showed no association with BD. This analysis showed that, despite recent advances with respect to the role of genetic polymorphism in predisposition to BD, further research is still required to elucidate its influence on this disorder.
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dc.relationRevista de Psiquiatria Clinica
dc.titleAssociations Between Genetic Polymorphisms And Bipolar Disorder [associação Entre Polimorfismos Genéticos E Transtorno Bipolar]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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