Artículos de revistas
Level Of Physical Activity Of Carriers Of Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2(dm2) In A Poor Community In Brazil [nível De Atividade Física De Portadores De Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 (dm2) Em Comunidade Carente No Brasil]
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Medicina (brazil). , v. 45, n. 1, p. 78 - 86, 2012.
Modeneze D.M.
Vilarta R.
Maciel E.D.S.
Sonati J.G.
De Souza M.E.S.N.
Boccaletto E.M.A.
Study Model: It was done an observational and analytical study with a cross-sectional design. Objective: This study focuses on assessing the level of physical activity and verifying if it is related to socioeconomic aspects and health conditions of Diabetes Mellitus type 2 sufferers in a poor community. Methods: A consecutive sampling was carried out with 101 individuals, both male and female, average age being 63.6 (±11.4 years), and the majority of whom were female, married, retired, lowly educated, and belonging to a low socioeconomic level. The following variables were collected: level of physical activity, with the application of the International Questionnaire of Physical Activity (IPAQ), demographic variables, socioeconomic aspects and health conditions with application of a structured questionnaire. Results: Adding the practice of physical activity, the studied group presented high levels (21,8% Very Active and 65,3% Active).Statistical analyses of independent variables suggest an important correlation between age, habit of verifying glycemia, and education level, being level of physical activity the dependent variable. Conclusion: In a view of the correlations observed, in additional of the limitations imposed by the disease, it is highly important that actions on health education be taken amidst professionally operated support groups to help DM sufferers. These actions should include orientations for self care and frequent physical activities, respecting each community's social and cultural contexts, and local living conditions as well. 45 1 78 86 King, H., Aubert, R.E., Herman, W.H., Global burden of diabetes, 1995-2025 (1998) Diabetes Care, 21, pp. 1414-1431 Lojudice, F.H., Sogayar, M.C., Células-tronco no tratamento e cura do diabetes mellitus (2008) Ciênc Saúde Coletiva. 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