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Molecular Orbital Studies Of The Dipole Moments Of Methyl Substituted Amines, Phosphines, And Their Borane Adducts
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Inorganica Chimica Acta. , v. 14, n. C, p. 271 - 280, 1975.
Kuznesof P.M.
Pessine F.B.T.
Bruns R.E.
Shriver D.F.
The magnitudes and trends of the dipole moments of MexH3-xE and MexH3-xEBH3 (E = N, P; x = 0→3; Me = CH3) were investigated via CNDO-MO methods. Moments evaluated by the CNDO/2D approach reproduced the experimental data better than the strict CNDO/2 formalism. Transformation of the canonical CNDO/2 MO's to localized MO's (LMO's) permitted a partitioning of the total moments into bond moments, bond polarization moments, and lone pair moments. Values of the lone pair moments of the phosphines are calculated to be greater than those of the amines. Within the framework of the CNDO/2D approximation, coordination of BH3 to H3N involves a charge migration primarily between the N-bound and B-bound hydrogens (0.33e) while coordination to H3P is primarily P → B (0.27e). The covalent character of the BN and BP bonding LMO's is 46 and 61%, respectively. The CNDO molecular orbital results are in general agreement with Weaver and Parry's model for dipole moments and base strengths of amines and phosphines. © 1975. 14 C 271 280 Presented at the XXV Annual Meeting of the Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciencia. Abstract no. 27-C1, Ciěncia Cult., 25, S91 (1973). Abstracted, in part, from the M.S. thesis of F.B.T.P. b, Campinas. c) EvanstonWeaver, Parry, (1966) Inorg. Chem., 5, p. 703 Kodama, Weaver, LaRochelle, Parry, Dipole Moment Studies II. The Dipole Moments of the Ethylphosphines (1666) Inorganic Chemistry, 5, p. 710 Weaver, Parry, Dipole Moment Studies. III. The Dipole Moments of the Methylamine Boranes (1966) Inorganic Chemistry, 5, p. 713 Weaver, Parry, Dipole Moment Studies. IV. Trends in Dipole Moments (1966) Inorganic Chemistry, 5, p. 718 Morse, Parry, Dipole Moment Studies. V. The Dipole Moments of the Methylphosphine Boranes (1972) The Journal of Chemical Physics, 57, p. 5365 Morse, Parry, (1972) J. Chem. 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Another significant advantage of ORLOC is that it does not require the introduction of any additional matrices as does LOCAL. ORLOC is also available from the author as an independent program requiring as input only the CMO's and coulomb repulsion integralsP.M. Kuznesof, Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange, Departrnent of Chemistry, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, program no. 94Boyd, (1972) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94, p. 64 Pople, Segal, (1965) J. Chem. Phys., 43, p. S136 Odom, Barnes, Hudgens, Durig, (1974) J. Phys. Chem., 78, p. 1503. , A geometry optimized CNDO/2 calculation on Me3NBH3 gives a dipole moment in excellent numerical agreement with the experimental value. Geometry optimization of Me3N, however, yields essentially no improvement. See Santry, Segal, (1967) J. Chem. Phys., 47, p. 158 Hillier, Saunders, (1970) J. Chem. Soc. (D), p. 316 Bryan, Kuczkowski, (1972) Inorg. Chem., 11, p. 553 These authors used WP's estimate for the P-=CH3 moment and they settled on the range 3.4- 4.0D for the P-BH3 moment because of an ambiguity arising in their estimate of this moment in CH3PH2BH3. For this molecule they calculated 3.92 and 3.44D depend- ing on which dipole components they selected for their analysisStamper, Trinajastic, Localised orbitals for some simple molecules (1967) Journal of the Chemical Society A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical, p. 782. , Values for the nitrogen lone pair moment in NH3 have been previously reported, ranging from 3.4 to 3.8D depending on the starting SCF-CMO's. See Peters, 764. Localised molecular orbitals in self-consistent field wave functions. Part III. Hybridisations, atomic charges, and dipole moments in non-linear molecules (1963) Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed), p. 4017 Peters, Localised molecular orbitals in self-consistent field wave functions. Part X. 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