dc.creatorCarvacho I.E.
dc.creatorde Mello M.B.
dc.creatorMorais S.S.
dc.creatore Silva J.L.P.
dc.identifierRevista De Saude Publica. , v. 42, n. 5, p. 886 - 894, 2008.
dc.descriptionObjective: To assess determinants of access to primary care services prior to pregnancy by pregnant adolescents. Methods: Theory-based cross-sectional study conducted to examine access to heath services at five dimensions: geographic, economic, administrative, psychosocial and information. There were included in the study 200 first-time pregnant adolescents (aged 10 to 19 years) who attended a primary care unit in the municipality of Indaiatuba, Southeastern Brazil, in 2003. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire applied in face-to-face interviews conducted just before their first pre-natal care visit. Data analyses were performed through Person's chi-square or Fisher's exact test, and by a multivariate logistic regression model including all five dimensions of access. Results: More than half (63.7%) of the adolescents utilized some gynecological care service. Information (43.8%) or psychosocial feelings of embarrassment or fear (37.0%) barriers were the most frequent reasons given for not having sought care before. The main barrier to health service access was related to the psychosocial dimension, reported by 77.0% of the adolescents studied. Conclusions: Among all barriers to health service access, the most important were those related to the psychosocial dimension. There is a need for new strategies to facilitate access to health services by adolescents, including actions to reduce gender-based barriers taking into consideration sociodemographic characteristics of this population and the relationship they have with their partners.
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dc.descriptionUnicef. A voz dos adolescentes. Brasília
dc.relationRevista de Saude Publica
dc.titleFactors Associated With Access To Health Services Prior To Pregnancy By Pregnant Adolescents [fatores Associados Ao Acesso Anterior à Gestação A Serviços De Saúde Por Adolescentes Gestantes]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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