Actas de congresos
Adaptive Routing And Wavelength Assignment With Power Constraints Using Ant Colony Optimization
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8589748049; 9788589748049
2006 International Telecommunications Symposium, Its. , v. , n. , p. 637 - 642, 2006.
Pavani G.S.
Waldman H.
This work proposes a novel routing algorithm for transparent optical networks, which is based on the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) meta-heuristics. It takes into consideration the Bit Error Rate (BER) of the connections that is derived from Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) noise accumulated along the lightpath. We implement a Call Admission Control (CAC) to verify if a connection meets the following criteria: it has a BER below the maximum level, which is given by the sensitivity power at each component, and the total aggregate power on every network link is below a threshold, which is necessary to mitigate fiber non-linear effects. By using an integrated Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) control plane, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm over a fixed-alternate routing scheme to reduce the overall blocking probability. © 2006 SBrT.
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