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Effectiveness Of The Brazilian Version Of The Dangerous Decibels ® Educational Program
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International Journal Of Audiology. Informa Healthcare, v. 53, n. SUPPL.2, p. S35 - S42, 2014.
Knobel K.A.B.
Lima M.C.P.M.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a Brazilian version of the Dangerous Decibels® educational program in increasing students' knowledge and positively changing their attitudes and intended behaviors related to NIHL prevention and to decrease exposures to loud sounds and the barriers related to hearing protective strategies (HPS). Design: This is a prospective longitudinal controlled study. Study sample: Third to fifth graders (n = 220) filled out a baseline questionnaire; participated in a 60 minutes Dangerous Decibels® classroom presentation; answered a follow-up questionnaire immediately after the presentation; worked with their teachers on an activity booklet about hearing health ten weeks later; and filled out a three-months follow-up questionnaire. Students that did not receive health hearing education served as a control group (n = 51). A mixed analysis of variance was performed, with time as the within-subjects independent variable, and the intervention as the between-subjects independent variable. Results: The study group exhibited significant short- and long-term improvements in knowledge, attitudes, and intended behavior related to NIHL and acoustic trauma prevention, and in decreased exposures to loud sounds and barriers to the use of hearing protective strategies. Conclusions: This study demonstrated the effectiveness of a Brazilian version of the Dangerous Decibels classroom program with an additional supplementary workbook intervention. © 2014 British Society of Audiology, International Society of Audiology, and Nordic Audiological Society. 53 SUPPL.2 S35 S42 Berg, R.L., Pickett, W., Fitz-Randolph, M., Hearing conservation program for agricultural students: Short-term outcomes from a clusterrandomized trial with planned long-term follow-up (2009) Prev Med, 49, pp. 546-552 Berger, E.H., Children and hearing protection: What is available and is it used? (2006) Noise-induced Hearing Loss in Children at Work & Play (Proceedings), ,, Covington, USA Biassoni, E.C., Serra, M.R., Richter, U., Joekes, S., Yacci, M.R., Carignani, J.A., Abraham, S., Franco, G., Recreational noise exposure and its effects on the hearing of adolescents. 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