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A Dynamic Approach For Scheduling Dependent Tasks On The Xavantes Grid Middleware
Registro en:
1595935819; 9781595935816
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. , v. 194, n. , p. 1186686 - , 2006.
Bittencourt L.F.
Madeira E.R.M.
A scheduler must consider the heterogeneity and communication delays when scheduling dependent tasks on a grid. The task scheduling problem is NP-Complete in general, what led us to the development of a heuristic for the associated optimization problem. In this work we present a dynamic approach to schedule dependent tasks onto a grid based on the Xavantes grid middleware. The developed dynamic approach is applied to the Path Clustering Heuristic (PCH), and introduces the concept of rounds, which take turns sending tasks to execution and evaluating the performance of the resources. The experiments show that the round-based dynamic schedule can minimize the effects of performance losses while executing processes on the grid. © 2006 ACM. 194
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