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Cylinders And Rings Hot Upset Forging Analysis By The Finite - Element Method [estudo Do Recalque Isotérmico De Anéis E Cilindros Pelo Método Dos Elementos Finitos]
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Revista Brasileira De Ciencias Mecanicas/journal Of The Brazilian Society Of Mechanical Sciences. , v. 18, n. 1, p. 24 - 32, 1996.
Da Silva E.C.
Button S.T.
The state of the art in forging points to precision forging. The modern competitive forging industry uses computational systems to plan it, instead of the conventional trial and error methods. Based on this tecnology, this work develop a bidimensional finite element mathematical model of rigid-viscoplastic analysis of cylinders and rings hot upsetting, and the code validated by comparing simulation with the upper bound method and experimental results. Theoretical calibration curves used to define friction in the ring test were provided with simulations by the finite element method (FEMME). 18 1 24 32 Gunasekera, J.S., Gegel, H.L., Malas, J.C., Doraivelu, S.M., Morgan, J.T., Computer-Aided Processes Modelling of Hot Forging and Extrusion of Aluminium Alloys (1982) Annals of CIRP, 31, pp. 131-144 Kobayashi, S., Oh, S.I., Altan, T., (1989) Metal Forming and the Finite-Element Method, , Oxford University Press, Inc Leal, C.V.G., Button, S.T., (1992) Qualificação de Produtos Obtidos Pelo Processo de Forjamento de Precisão, , Relatório Parcial de Pesquisa do Programa PIBIC CNPq/UNICAMP, DEMa - FEM - UNICAMP Lee, C.H., Altan, T., Influence of Flow Stress and Friction Upon Metal Flow in Upset Forging of Rings and Cylinders (1972) Journal of Engineering for Industry, AUGUST, pp. 775-782 Lowe, T.C., Computer Simulation of Deformation Processing (1988) Journal of Metals, 40 (4), pp. 6-11 Oh, S.I., Finite Element Analysis of Metal Forming Processes with Arbitrarily Shaped Dies (1982) International Journal of Mechanical Science, 24 (8), pp. 479-493 Price, J.W.H., Alexander, J.M., A Study of Isothermal Forming or Creep Forming of Titanium Alloy (1976) 4th North American Metalworking Research Conference Proceedings, pp. 46-53 Schey, J.A., (1987) "Introduction to Menufacturing Processes", Second Edition, , McGraw Hill Silva, E.C., Lima, F.A.A., Button, S.T., Simulação do Recalque a Quente pelo Método de Elementos Finitos (1993) Anais do XII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecânica, 2, pp. 1611-1614. , Brasília, Brasil Silva, E.C., (1995) Estudo do Processo Isotérmico de Forjamento de Precisão Através do Método de Elementos Finitos, , Tese de mestrado, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP, Brasil Zienkiewicz, O.C., Taylor, R.L., (1991) The Finite Element Method - Vol. 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, 2. , Vol. II. McGraw Hill