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Variability Of Strains Of Metarhizium Anisopliae Var. Anisopliae (metsch.) Sorokin In Terms Of Protein Content And Spore Germination
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Revista De Microbiologia. , v. 27, n. 4, p. 268 - 272, 1996.
De Oliveira N.T.
Messias C.L.
The variation of total protein of spore during germination of strains E9, Pegro and BSA of Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae was investigated. Minimal germination time (MGT, defined as the time during which 85% of the conidia germinated) for the three strains was 12 hours of incubation in minimal medium. When the total protein content of the three strains was determined, variations related to increased germination time were detected and the beginning of protein synthesis was found to differ among strains. Strain E9 started protein synthesis between 0 and 7 hours of germination time, whereas strains Pegro and BSA started germination between 7 and 13 hours. 27 4 268 272 Arrais De Matos, A.J., (1983) Crescimento, Gertninação. Conidiação e Resistência a Hiz Ultra-violeta de Linhagens de Metarhizium Anisopliae, 78p. , Campinas, SP, Brasil, M.S. Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas Arrais De Matos, A.J., (1988) Germinação Comdial Em Metarhizium Anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorokin, 175p. , Campinas, SP, Brasil, Ph D. Thesis. Universidade Estadual de Campinas Bartinicki-Garcia, Spore germination in fungi Basic concepts (1984) Infection Process of Fungi, pp. 111-117. , Roberts. D W. & Aist, J.R. (eds). The Rockefeller Foundation. USA Bradford, M.M., A rapid and sensitive method for the quantification of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein dye bynding (1976) Anal.Biochem., 72, pp. 248-254 Brambl, R., Dunkle, L.D., Van Etten, J.L., Nucleic acids and protein synthesis during fungal spore germination (1978) Filamentous Fungi: Developmental Mycology, 3, pp. 94-118. , Smith, J.E. & Berry, D R (eds) Edward Arnold, London Destefano, R.H.R., (1993) Evolução de O2 Viabilidade e Virulência de Metarhizium Anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorokin, Durante Armazenamento, 85p. , Piracicaba/SP. M.S. Thesis. Universidade de São Paulo - USP Hassan, A.E.M., Dillon, R.J., Charnley, A.K., Influence of accelerated germination of conidia on the pathogenicity of Metarhizium anisophae for Manduca sexta (1989) J. Inv. Pathol., 54, pp. 277-279 Law, D.J., Tiniberlake, W.E., Developmental regulation of laccase levels in Aspergillus midulans (1990) J Bacteriol., 144, pp. 509-517 Lovett, J.S., Regulation of Protein Metabolism during spore germination (1976) The Fungal Spore: Form and Function, pp. 189-242. , Weber, D.J. & Hess, V.W. (eds). John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA Macko, V., Inhibitors and stimulants of spore germination and infection structure formation in fungi (1981) The Fungal Spore: Morphogenetic Controls, pp. 565-585. , Turian,G Hohl,H R. (eds). Academic Press, New York, USA Pontecorvo, G., Roper, J.A., Hemons, L.M., Madonald, K.D., Button, A.W.J., The Genetics of Aspergillus nidulans (1953) Adv. Gen., 5, pp. 141-238 Roberts, D.W., World Picture of Biological Control of Insects by Fungi (1989) Memorias Do Institute Oswaldo Cruz, Supl.III, 84, pp. 89-100 Roberts, D.W., Campbell, A.S., Stability of entomopathogenic fungus (1977) Miscellaneous Publications of Entomological Society of America, 10, pp. 19-76 Roberts, D.W., Humber, R.A., Entomopathogenic fungi (1983) Conference on Infection Processes of Fungi, pp. 1-6. , Bellagio, Report Bellagio Conference Center St. Leger, R.J., Integument as a Barrier to Microbial Infection (1991) Physiology of Insect Epidermis, pp. 286-308. , Retnakaran, A. & Binnington (eds). CSIRO, Australia Sussman, A.S., (1966) Dormancy and Spore Germination, 2, pp. 733-764. , Ainsworth, G.C. & Sussman, A S., The fungr, Academic Press, New York, USA Turian, G., Polarizing process for germ tube outgrowth from monilioid fungal spores (Neurospora conidia model) (1985) Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Science Plant Sciences, 94, pp. 165-173