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Population Studies Of Aeria Olena And Tithorea Harmonia (nymphalidae, Ithomiinae) In Southeastern Brazil
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Journal Of The Lepidopterists' Society. , v. 55, n. 4, p. 150 - 157, 2001.
Freitas A.V.L.
Vasconcellos-Neto J.
Vanini F.
Trigo J.R.
Brown Jr K.S.
Populations of Aeria olena and Tithorea harmonia pseudethra (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Ithomiinae) showed large variations in abundance along the year in four sites, with peaks at the end of the wet season. The sex ratio of captures in A. olena was male biased. In A. olena, males showed longer residence times than females. Both species differ from other members of the Ithomiinae community in the region by feeding on Apocynaceae vines as larvae, not congregating in "ithomiine pockets" and having low population numbers in the dry season. 55 4 150 157 Ackery, P.R., Vane-Wright, R.I., Milkweed butterflies (1984) London, British Museum (Natural History), , x + 425 pp Benson, W.W., Resource partitioning in passion vine butterflies (1978) Evolution, 32, pp. 493-518 Brown K.S., Jr., Chemical ecology of dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloids in adult Ithomiinae (1985) Rev. Bras. Bio, 44, pp. 435-460 Brown K.S., Jr., Chemistry at the Solanaceae/Ithomiinae interface (1987) Ann. Missouri Bot. 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