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Measurement Of The σ- Charge Radius By σ--electron Elastic Scattering
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Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle And High-energy Physics. , v. 522, n. 3-4, p. 233 - 239, 2001.
Eschrich I.
Kruger H.
Simon J.
Vorwalter K.
Alkhazov G.
Atamantchouk A.G.
Balatz M.Y.
Bondar N.F.
Cooper P.S.
Dauwe L.J.
Davidenko G.V.
Dersch U.
Dirkes G.
Dolgolenko A.G.
Dzyubenko G.B.
Edelstein R.
Emediato L.
Endler A.M.F.
Engelfried J.
Escobar C.O.
Evdokimov A.V.
Filimonov I.S.
Garcia F.G.
Gaspero M.
Giller I.
Golovtsov V.L.
Gouffon P.
Gulmez E.
Kangling H.
Iori M.
Jun S.Y.
Kaya M.
Kilmer J.
Kim V.T.
Kochenda L.M.
Konigsmann K.
Konorov I.
Kozhevnikov A.P.
Krivshich A.G.
Kubantsev M.A.
Kubarovsky V.P.
Kulyavtsev A.I.
Kuropatkin N.P.
Kurshetsov V.F.
Kushnirenko A.
Kwan S.
Lach J.
Lamberto A.
Landsberg L.G.
Larin I.
Leikin E.M.
Li Y.
Luksys M.
Lungov T.
Maleev V.P.
Mao D.
Chensheng M.
Zhenlin M.
Masciocchi S.
Mathew P.
Mattson M.
Matveev V.
McCliment E.
Moinester M.A.
Molchanov V.V.
Morelos A.
Nelson K.D.
Nemitkin A.V.
Neoustroev P.V.
Newsom C.
Nilov A.P.
Nurushev S.B.
Ocherashvili A.
Onel Y.
Ozel E.
Ozkorucuklu S.
Penzo A.
Petrenko S.V.
Pogodin P.
Povh B.
Procario M.
Prutskoi V.A.
Ramberg E.
Rappazzo G.F.
Razmyslovich B.V.
Rud V.I.
Russ J.
Scheglov Y.
Schiavon P.
Sitnikov A.I.
Skow D.
Smith V.J.
Srivastava M.
Steiner V.
Stepanov V.
Stutte L.
Svoiski M.
Terentyev N.K.
Thomas G.P.
Uvarov L.N.
Vasiliev A.N.
Vavilov D.V.
Verebryusov V.S.
Victorov V.A.
Vishnyakov V.E.
Vorobyov A.A.
You J.
Wenheng Z.
Shuchen Z.
Zukanovich-Funchal R.
The σ- mean squared charge radius has been measured in the space-like Q2 range 0.035-0.105 GeV2/c2 by elastic scattering of a σ- beam off atomic electrons. The measurement was performed with the SELEX (E781) spectrometer using the Fermilab hyperon beam at a mean energy of 610 GeV/c. We obtain (rch2σ- = (0.61 ± 0.12(stat.) ± 0.09(syst.)) fm2. The proton and π- charge radii were measured as well and are consistent with results of other experiments. Our result agrees with the recently measured strong interaction radius of the σ-. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 522 3-4 233 239 Rosenfelder, R., (2000) Phys. Lett. B, 479, p. 381. , and references therein Kopecky, S., (1995) Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, p. 2427 Amendolia, S., (1986) Nucl. Phys. B, 277, p. 186 Amendolia, S., (1986) Phys. Lett. B, 978, p. 435 Povh, B., Hüfner, J., (1990) Phys. Lett. B, 245, p. 653. , and references therein Kubis, B., Meissner, U.G., (2001) Eur. Phys. J. C, 18, p. 747 Hackett-Jones, E.J., Leinweber, D.B., Thomas, A.W., (2000) Phys. Lett. B, 494, p. 89 Adamovich, M., (1999) Eur. Phys. J. C, 8, p. 59 Eschrich, I., (1999) Proc. of the 8th International Conference on the Structure of Baryons, , D.W.Menze, Metsch B. (Eds.), World Scientific, hep-ex/9811003 Kälĺn, G., (1964) Elementary Particle Physics, , Addison-Wesley Gershtein, S.S., IHEP preprint 89-88, 1989, in Russian(1994) GEANT - Detector Description and Simulation Tool, , CERN Program Library Long Writeup W5013 Simon, J., (2000), Ph.D. thesis, MPI f. Kernphysik, Univ. Heidelberg, in GermanEschrich, I., (1998),, Ph.D. thesis, MPI f. Kernphysik, Univ. Heidelberg, MPIH-V22-1998Krüger, H., (1999),, Ph.D. thesis, MPI f. Kernphysik, Univ. Heidelberg, in GermanMurphy, J.J., (1974) Phys. Rev. C, 9, p. 2125 Dirkes, G., (1999), Diplomarbeit, MPI f. Kernphysik, Univ. Heidelberg, in GermanVorwalter, K., (1998), PhD thesis, MPI f. Kernphysik. Univ Heidelberg, MPIH-V23-1998Giller, I., (1999),, M.Sc. thesis, Tel Aviv UniversityGroom, D.E., (2000) Eur. Phys. J. C, 15, p. 1 Dersch, U., (2000) Nucl. Phys. C, 579, p. 277 Povh, B., Hüfner, J., (1987) Phys. Rev. Lett., 58, p. 1612