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Spatial Distribution Of Annelids In The Intertidal Zone Is São Sebastião Channel, Brazil
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Scientia Marina. , v. 65, n. 4, p. 323 - 331, 2001.
Rizzo A.E.
Amaral A.C.Z.
We studied the spatial distribution of annelids in the intertidal zone of two beaches (Engenho d'Água and Sao Francisco) in Sao Sebastiao Channel, southeastern Brazil, from August 1995 through July 1996. This region is commonly affected by oil spills and sewage waste. The substratum of the two beaches is composed of a mixture of sand and rock fragments. We established three levels (100 m2) in the intertidal zone of each study site: lower, intermediate, and upper. In general, species richness increased from upper towards lower levels. The distribution of species at Engenho d'Água was more homogeneous than at Sao Francisco. Only some individual spatial patterns were recognised at Sao Francisco. The most abundant polychacte species at Engenho d'Água (Nematonereis hebes, Timarete filigera, and Scyphoproctus djiboutiensis) occurred in the intermediate and lower levels. The upper level of Sao Francisco was characterised by a peak of opportunists, with a large number of individuals but few dominant species (Capitella sp., Scolelepis squamata. Laeonereis acuta, and the oligochaete Tubifex sp). 65 4 323 331 Allen, P.L., Moore, J.J., Invertebrate macrofauna as potential indicators of sandy beach instability (1987) Est. Coast. Shelf Sci, 24, pp. 109-125 Amaral, A.C.Z., Morgado, E.H., Pardo, E.V., Reis, M.O., Estrutura da comunidade de poliquetos da zona entremarés em praias da Ilha de Sao Sebastiao (SP) (1995) Publ. Esp. Inst. Ocean. S. Paulo, 11, pp. 229-237 Amaral, A.C.Z., Morgado, E.H., Salvador, L.B., Poliquctas bioindicadores de poluicao orgânica em praias paulistas (1998) Rev. Bras. Biol, 58 (2), pp. 307-316 Amoureux, L., Étude bionomique et écologique de quelques annélides polychétes des sables intertidaux de côtes ouest de la France (1966) Arch. Zool. Exp. Gen, 107, pp. 1-218 (1999) Relatório de balneabilidade das praias paulistas 1998, , CETESB. 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