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Psychogenic Psychosis: From Bouffée Delirante Till Cultural Psychiatry [psicoses Psicogênicas: Do Bouffée Delirante à Psiquiatria Cultural]
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Jornal Brasileiro De Psiquiatria. , v. 50, n. 7-8, p. 247 - 254, 2001.
Dias M.K.
Dalgalarrondo P.
In this paper, concepts related to brief, good outcome and life events dependent psychotic disorders are reviewed. Despite some prospective studies found some consistence in these diagnosis, psychogenic psychosis do not find equivalent categories at most recent diagnosis manuals. Authors propose that clinical variability is due to cultural factors. Culture interfere in psychopathological presentation of this mental disorder group. Some cultural psychiatric concepts are presented and discussed in order to improve the understanding of this phenomena. 50 7-8 247 254 Andersen, J., Laerum, H., Psychogenic psychosis: A retrospective study with special reference to clinical course and prognosis (1980) Acta Psychiatr. Scand., 62, pp. 331-342 Banks, C.G., 'Culture' in cultural-bound syndromes: The case of anorexia nervosa (1992) Soc-Sci-Med., 34 (8), pp. 867-884 Baratta, P., Perago, P., Transcultural differences in perceptions of life events (1978) Acta Psychiatr. 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