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Figures Of Merit For The Determination Of The Polymorphic Purity Of Carbamazepine By Infrared Spectroscopy And Multivariate Calibration
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Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences. , v. 93, n. 8, p. 2124 - 2134, 2004.
Braga J.W.B.
Poppi R.J.
Polymorphism is an important property in the quality control of pharmaceutical products. In this regard, partial least squares regression and the net analytical signal were used to build and validate a multivariate calibration model using diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy in the region of 900-1100 cm-1 for the determination of the polymorphic purity of carbamazepine. Physical mixtures of the polymorphs were made by weight, from 80 to 100% (w/w) form III mixed with form I. Figures of merit, such as sensitivity, analytical sensitivity, selectivity, confidence limits, precision (mean, repeatability, intermediate), accuracy, and signal-to-noise ratio were calculated. Feasible results were obtained with maximum absolute error of 2% and an average error of 0.53%, indicating that the proposed methodology can be used by the pharmaceutical industry as an alternative to the X-ray diffraction (United States Pharmacopoeia method). © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association. 93 8 2124 2134 Dunitz, J.D., Phase transitions in molecular crystals from a chemical viewpoint (1991) Pure Appl Chem, 63, pp. 177-185 Verma, A.R., Krishna, P., (1966) Polymorphism and Polytypism in Crystals, pp. 7-30. , New York: Wiley Evans, R.C., (1966) An Introduction to Crystal Chemistry, p. 184. , New York: Cambridge University Press Threlfall, T.L., Analysis of organic polymorphs (1995) Analyst, 120, pp. 2435-2460 Otsuka, M., Kato, F., Matsuda, Y., Determination of indomethacin polymorphic contents by chemometric near-infrared spectroscopy and conventional powder X-ray diffractometry (2001) Analyst, 126, pp. 1578-1582 Norris, T., Aldridge, P.K., Sekulic, S.S., Determination of end-points for polymorph conversions of crystalline organic compounds using on-line near-infrared spectroscopy (1997) Analyst, 122, pp. 549-552 Blanco, M., Villar, A., Polymorphic analysis of a pharmaceutical preparation by NIR spectroscopy (2000) Analyst, 125, pp. 2311-2314 Kaneko, F., Tashiro, K., Kobayashy, M., Polymorphic transformations during crystallization processes of fatty acid studied with FT-IR spectroscopy (1999) J Cryst Growth, 199, pp. 1352-1359 Aldridge, P.K., Evans, C.L., Ward, H.W., Colan, S.T., Near-IR detection of polymorphism and process-related substances (1996) Anal Chem, 68, pp. 997-1002 Blanco, M., Villar, A., Polymorphic analysis of a pharmaceutical preparation by NIR spectroscopy (2000) Analyst, 125, pp. 2311-2314 Patel, A.D., Paul, E.L., Kemper, M.S., Low-level determination of polymorphic composition in physical mixtures by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy J Pharm Sci, 90 (3), pp. 360-369 Borka, L., Lönmo, A., Winsnes, R., Semiquantitative IR spectroscopy of the crystal polymorphs of carbamazepine: A special case in the Ph. 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