Artículos de revistas
Craniofacial Anomalies: Description And Evaluation Of Treatment Under The Brazilian Unified Health System [anomalias Craniofaciais: Descrição E Avaliação Das Características Gerais Da Atenção No Sistema Único De Saúde]
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Cadernos De Saude Publica. , v. 22, n. 5, p. 913 - 922, 2006.
Monlleo I.L.
Gil-da-Silva-Lopes V.L.
The first initiative for treating craniofacial anomalies under the Brazilian Unified Health System was in 1993. An important step was the creation of the Reference Network for Craniofacial Treatment. There are now 29 services listed in this Network. The current study aimed to describe and assess the general characteristics of healthcare in this Network. Data were colleted by a questionnaire, sent to the centers. Response rate was 86.2%. The results showed an increase in services in Southeast Brazil, in universities, and in relation to cleft lip and palate; public financing was prevalent; team composition was largely in accordance with North American standards; routine care occurred in 90%; and 70% used clinical protocols. The Network's name does not appear to entirely reflect its scope. The results show the need to review the Network's definition, aims, and achievements and the standards for inclusion of craniofacial centers. 22 5 913 922 Penchaszadeh, V.B., Genética y salud pública (1993) Bol Oficina Sanit Panam, 115, pp. 1-11 (1999) Services for the Prevention and Management of Genetic Disorders and Birth Defects in Developing Countries, , Hague: Word Health Organization Victora, C.G., Barros, F.C., Infant mortality due to perinatal causes in Brazil: Trends, regional patterns and possible interventions (2001) São Paulo Med J, 119, pp. 33-42 Mortalidade Perinatal, , Gorlin, R.J., Cohen Jr., M.M., Levin, L.S., (1990) Syndromes of the Head and Neck, , New York: Oxford University Press Cohen Jr., M.M., Gorlin, R.J., Fraser, F.C., Craniofacial disorders (1997) Emery and Rimoin's Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics, pp. 1121-1148. , Rimoin DL, Connor JM, Pyeritz RE, editors. 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