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Comparison Between Ikonos-ii And Landsat/etm+ Satellites Data In The Study Of Coffee Areas [comparação De Dados Dos Satélites Ikonos-ii E Landsat/etm+ No Estudo De áreas Cafeeiras]
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Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira. , v. 41, n. 4, p. 661 - 666, 2006.
Ramirez G.M.
Zullo Jr. J.
Assad E.D.
Pinto H.S.
The objective of this work was to assess the impact of the better spatial and radiometric resolutions of the Ikonos-II panchromatic image, for the identification of coffee (Coffea arabica) planting areas, in comparison with a Landsat/ETM+ image. The area of study is situated in the city of Pedregulho, State of São Paulo, Brazil, where 50 coffee fields were selected. Information about plants features, like height, age, spacing and variety were collected. Images allowed the identification of coffee areas with different field features, and the calibrated Ikonos-II image showed the best results. Considering the areas with similar field features, images from both satellites were not efficient in the coffee identification. The atmospheric and radiometric corrections applied on the Ikonos-II image did not improve the analyses results. More than half of the identified areas in the Ikonos-II image could be found in the Landsat/ETM+ image (68%). The significant correlation between Landsat/ETM+ band 4 and Ikonos-II panchromatic channel shows a link between both satellite images. 41 4 661 666 Batista, G.T., Tardin, A.T., Chen, S.C., Dallemand, J.F., Avaliação de produtos HRV/SPOT e TM/LANDSAT na discriminação de culturas (1990) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 25, pp. 379-386 Colombo, R., Bellingeri, D., Fasolini, D., Marino, C.M., Retrieval of leaf area index in different vegetation types using high resolution satellite data (2003) Remote Sensing of Environment, 86, pp. 120-131 Dallemand, J.F., Tardin, A.T., Batista, G.T., Sensoriamento remoto e agricultura (1988) Ciência Hoje, 8, pp. 44-51 Dechka, J.A., Franklin, S.E., Watmough, M.D., Bennett, R.P., Ingstrup, D.W., Classification of wetland habitat and vegetation communities using multi-temporal Ikonos imagery in Southern Saskatchewan (2002) Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 28, pp. 679-685 Epiphanio, J.C.N., Gleriani, J.M., Formaggio, A.R., Rudorff, B.F.T., Índices de vegetação no sensoriamento remoto da cultura do feijão (1996) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 31, pp. 445-454 Epiphanio, J.C.N., Leonardi, L., Formaggio, A.R., Relações entre parâmetros culturais e resposta espectral de cafezais (1994) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 29, pp. 439-447 Fang, H.L., Wu, B.F., Liu, H.Y., Huang, X., Using NOAA AVHRR and Landsat TM to estimate rice area year-by-year (1998) International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19, pp. 521-525 Gonzalez-Alonso, F., Cuevas, J.M., Arbiol, R., Baulies, X., Remote sensing and agricultural statistics: Crop area estimation in Northeastern Spain through diachronic Landsat TM and ground sample data (1997) International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18, pp. 467-470 Hamar, D., Ferencz, C., Lichtenberger, J., Tarcsai, G., Ferencz-Árkos, I., Field estimation for corn and wheat in the Hungarian Great Plain using satellite remote sensing data (1995) Novenytermeles, 44, pp. 147-160 Herold, M., Goldstein, N.C., Clarke, K.C., The spatiotemporal form of urban growth: Measurement, analysis and modeling (2003) Remote Sensing of Environment, 86, pp. 286-302 Ippoliti-Ramilo, G.A., Epiphanio, J.C.N., Shimabukuro, Y.E., Landsat-5 thematic mapper data for preplanting crop area evaluation in tropical countries (2003) International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24, pp. 1521-1534 Ippoliti-Ramilo, G.A., Epiphanio, J.C.N., Shimabukuro, Y.E., Formaggio, A.R., Sensoriamento remoto orbital como meio auxiliar na previsão de safras (1999) Agricultura Em São Paulo, 46, pp. 89-101 Johnson, L.F., Temporal stability of an NDVI-LAI relationship in a Napa Valley vineyard (2003) Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 9, pp. 96-101 Johnson, L.F., Roczen, D.E., Youkhana, S.K., Nemani, R.R., Bosch, D.F., Mapping vineyard leaf area with multispectral satellite imagery (2003) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 38, pp. 33-44 Lee, D.S., Shan, J., Bethel, J.S., Class-guided building extraction from Ikonos imagery (2003) Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69, pp. 143-150 Leonardi, L., (1990) Influência de Parâmetros Culturais de Cafezais Sobre Os Dados TM/LANDSAT-5, 171p. , Dissertação (Mestrado) - 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