dc.creatorCarvalho M.F.
dc.creatorMachado C.
dc.identifier1402081383; 9781402081385
dc.identifierIfip Advances In Information And Communication Technology. Springer New York Llc, v. 149, n. , p. 265 - 272, 2004.
dc.descriptionSupply chain management practices and principles evolve rapidly, driven by information and communication technology innovations. These innovations impel the supply chain design and management. Constantly new management strategy and operations practices appear and need to be evaluated before their actual introduction in the system. This paper presents a comparison of three supply chain management policies considering distributed and centralized decision processes through discrete time simulation and shows how the visibility of information interfere in the supply chain performance. © 2004 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.
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dc.publisherSpringer New York LLC
dc.relationIFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
dc.titleA Comparison Of Supply Chain Management Policies
dc.typeActas de congresos

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