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Scheduling Heuristics Based On Tasks Time Windows For Aps Systems
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Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. , v. 18, n. C, p. 979 - 984, 2004.
Rodrigues M.T.M.
Gimeno L.
Amorim M.
Montesco R.E.
Advanced Planning and Scheduling systems (APS) are intensively utilized in the industry, namely because they allow generating and analyzing planning scenarios very quickly. They are not well suited for make-to-order situations since due dates are not considered hard constraints to be fulfilled. Processing time windows allow to take into account due dates in the development of APS enhanced heuristics. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 18 C 979 984 Kirchmier, B., Finite Capacity Scheduling Methods (1998) APICS - The Performance Advantage Rodrigues, M.T., Latre, L.G., Rodrigues, L.C., Production Planning Using Time Windows for Short-Term Multipurpose Batch Plants Scheduling Problems (2000) Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 39, pp. 3823-3834 Sadeh, N., Look-Ahead Techniques for Micro-Opportunistic Job Shop Scheduling (1991) PhD Thesis, , CMU-CS-91-102. 1991, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University