dc.creatorBonet E.J.
dc.creatorCunha C.
dc.creatorCorrea A.C.F.
dc.creatorElias V.L.G.
dc.identifierJournal Of Canadian Petroleum Technology. , v. 43, n. 1, p. 22 - 27, 2004.
dc.descriptionIn order to confirm the expected high recoveries obtained in gravity drainage field operations we performed a series of lab tests, developed an oil relative permeability calculation, and used this data to conduct a reservoir simulation for a Brazilian offshore oil field. The lab tests were conducted at ambient temperature and low pressure, and were performed in long cores (90 - 252 cm long) with dead oil and conventional production where the oil was produced at the lower end of the vertically oriented core and air entered the upper end. For one test we performed a counter-current drainage test using live oil where the production was collected at the lower end of the core and the liberated dissolved gas was removed counter-currently from the upper end. The saturation evolution inside the core was monitored by an X-Ray system. Using the same rock and fluids, centrifuge tests were performed using 3 - 4 cm long plugs to compare to the core displacement test results. When the results did not agree, an explanation for the variance using a model of bundles of capillary tubes was postulated. Verification using the principle of minimum energy was performed. A computer program was implemented to calculate the oil relative permeability using the lab data, the results of which were compared with the published literature. The calculated relative permeability was used to simulate the behaviour of a Brazilian offshore oil field that was initially exploited with water injection, and then, due to the appearance of a secondary gas cap, subsequently subjected to gas injection into the crest of the structure.
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dc.relationJournal of Canadian Petroleum Technology
dc.titleGravity Drainage - Lab Tests, Relative Permeability Calculation, And Field Simulation
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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