dc.creatorSuzigan L.Z.C.
dc.creatorPaiva E Silva R.B.
dc.creatorLemos Marini S.H.V.
dc.creatorBaptista M.T.M.
dc.creatorGuerra Jr. G.
dc.creatorMagna L.A.
dc.creatorMaciel Guerra A.T.
dc.identifierJornal De Pediatria. , v. 80, n. 4, p. 309 - 314, 2004.
dc.descriptionObjective: To identify how patients with Turner syndrome perceive their condition. Methods: Thirty-six women with Turner syndrome, aged between 15 and 25 years and with over 2 years of medical follow-up, were individually interviewed about: the impact of Turner syndrome at the moment of the diagnosis, their understanding of the syndrome, its effect in their lives, and their expectations for the future. Results: Only 31% of the patients immediately understood the diagnosis. Their feelings associated to that moment were neutral (47%) or concerned (33%). About one third of the interviewed women were unable to explain the etiology of Turner syndrome (42%), did not relate their symptoms with Turner syndrome (36%), and/or believe there might be a cure for it (44%). Although most of the interviewed women affirm that the syndrome has no interference in their lives (67%) and that they consider themselves happy persons (78%), in more than half of the interviews there are evidences of difficulties in social interaction and love relationship, low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with their physical appearances, especially the short stature and infertility. Their hopes for the future refer mainly to study and have a job. Although being, on average, 19 years old, one in two women (53%) still hopes to grow up. Conclusion: Besides medical treatment, it is important that the knowledge of the patients about the syndrome and some issues as infertility, short stature, self-esteem and social interactions receive proper and continuous attention from the moment of the diagnosis. The ideal situation should be a joint-action of a psychologist and the medical team. Copyright © 2004 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
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dc.relationJornal de Pediatria
dc.titleTurner Syndrome: The Patients's View
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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