Actas de congresos
Finish Surface Of Prototypes Obtained By Rapid Prototyping Systems - A Preparation To Design Of Experiments And Results Analisys [acabamento Superficial De Protótipos Obtidos Por Sistemas De Prototipagem Rápida - Uma Preparação Para O Planejamento Experimental E Análise De Resultados]
Registro en:
58th Congresso Anual Da Abm (associacao Brasileira De Metalurgia E Materiais). , v. , n. , p. 1745 - 1757, 2003.
Pizzolito E.A.
This work developed on experimental design that allows the finish surface of prototypes obtained with the three most used Rapid Prototyping systems in Brazil. For this purpose was necessary to study the three systems, the formation of the part surface, their characteristics and particularities and planning the proposed design of experiment. The influence factors and its ranges and the principal variable had been identified and the experiment delineated under these conditioning. The sequence for planning assembly, execution of the tests and analysis of the data had been displayed and the possible deployments discussed under a theoretical optics. The results of this work provide theoretical basement to the application of a same experiment in different systems of rapid prototyping. The attainment of an only design of experiment optimizes the analysis and lines up the results in the direction of a complete analysis and with same statistics reference base.
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