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Optical Packet Switching Access Networks Using Time And Space Contention Resolution Schemes
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Lecture Notes In Computer Science (including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics). , v. 3124, n. , p. 272 - 281, 2004.
Bonani L.H.
Padua F.J.L.
Moschim E.
Barbosa F.R.
Optical packet switching offers the possibility of increased granularity and more effective use of bandwidth in large capacity systems, on a scale of Tb/s. The natural integration of optical packet switching in photonic technology opens up the possibility of packet switching in transparent optical channels, where the packets remain from end-to-end in the optical domain, without the necessity of optoelectronic conversion. Therefore, the optical switching must be robust enough in order to provide conditions to solve the contention between optical packets in access networks, where the traffic is less aggregated. This work presents alternative schemes of contention resolution between optical packets to be used in access networks, without using the already established, but more expensive, wavelength conversion of WDM systems. © Springer-Verlag 2004. 3124
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