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Definition Of Capacited P-medians By A Modified Max Min Ant System With Local Search
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Lecture Notes In Computer Science (including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics). , v. 3316, n. , p. 1094 - 1100, 2004.
De Franca F.O.
Von Zuben F.J.
De Castro L.N.
This work introduces a modified MAX MIN Ant System (MMAS) designed to solve the Capacitated p-Medians Problem (CPMP). It presents the most relevant steps towards the implementation of an MMAS to solve the CPMP, including some improvements on the original MMAS algorithm, such as the use of a density model in the information heuristics and a local search adapted from the uncapacitated p-medians problem. Extensions to a recently proposed updating rule for the pheromone level, aiming at improving the MMAS ability to deal with large-scale instances, are also presented and discussed: Some simulations are performed using instances available from the literature, and well-known heuristics are employed for benchmarking. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004. 3316
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