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Reduction Of Trace Quantities Of Chromium (vi) By Strong Acids
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Journal Of The Brazilian Chemical Society. , v. 15, n. 1, p. 58 - 65, 2004.
Pezzin S.H.
Lugo Rivera J.F.
Collins C.H.
Collins K.E.
The chemical behavior of Cr(VI) at low concentrations (10-4 to 10-7 mol L-1) in several strong acids was studied using high specific activity 51Cr(VI) as a tracer. The speciation of the products from these systems was carried out by ion exchange chromatography with stepwise elution. The results show that trace quantities of Cr(VI), monitored by means of radiochromium (51Cr), are reduced in the presence of mineral acids such as perchloric, hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, sulfuric, nitric and trifluoromethanesulfonic acids, even in the absence of conventional reducing agents, producing different measureable Cr(III) species, depending on the acid anion. 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