Artículos de revistas
The Importance Of Ocular Ultrasonography In The Preoperative Evaluation Of Patients With Mature Cataract [importância Da Ultra-sonografia Ocular Na Avaliação Pré-operatória De Pacientes Com Catarata Total]
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Arquivos Brasileiros De Oftalmologia. , v. 67, n. 1, p. 33 - 36, 2004.
De Carvalho Lupinacci A.P.
Vanini R.
Isaac D.L.C.
Ghanem V.C.
Arieta C.E.L.
With the new techniques of cataract surgery visual success has increased and it became necessary to foresee undesirable postoperative results regarding visual acuity. Purpose: To verify the role of ocular ultrasonography in the preoperative evaluation of patients with mature cataract searching for posterior segment pathologies that may affect surgical results, their prevalence and the main associated risk factors. Methods: A retrospective study was performed analyzing records of 262 patients indicated for ocular ultrasonography because the presence of mature cataract, thus preventing fundoscopic evaluation of the posterior segment. It was also tried to associate the presence of those changes with sex, age, race, history of ocular trauma, systemic and ocular diseases and the presence of cataract in the contralateral eye. Results: Ecographic changes were found in 24.8% of the examinations performed between 1996 and 2001, of which retinal detachment and vitreous condensations were the most common, with 9.9% of the findings for each. Conclusions: Among the risk factors pointed out as predisposing to findings in ocular ultrasonography, uveitis was the only statistically significant element. It was not possible to correlate positively the described posterior segment pathology to ocular trauma using obtained data. 67 1 33 36 Anteb II, Y., Blumenthal, E.Z., Zamir, E., Waindim, P., The role of preoperative ultrasonography for patients with dense cataract: A retrospective study of 509 cases (1998) Ophthalmic Surg Lasers, 29, pp. 114-118 Datiles, M.B., Lasa, M.S., Freidlin, V., A longitudinal study of cortical cataracts using retroillumination photographs (1996) Curr Eye Res, 15, pp. 53-61 Barret, B.T., Davison, P.A., Eustace, P., Clinical comparison of three techniques for evaluating visual function behind cataract (1995) Eye, 9 (PART. 6), pp. 722-727 Haile, M., Mengistu, Z., B-scan ultrasonography in ophthalmic diseases (1996) East Afr Med, 73, pp. 703-707 Hurst, M.A., Douthwaite, W.A., Assessing vision behind cataract: A review of methods (1993) Optom Vis Sci, 70, pp. 903-913 Fielding, J.A., Imaging the eye with ultrasound (1992) Br J Hosp Med, 47, pp. 805-815 Conover, W.J., (1971) Practical Nonparametric Statistics, , New York: John Wiley & Sons Fleis, J.L., (1981) Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions, , 2aed. New York John Wiley & Sons Hosmer, D.W., Lemeshow, S., (1988) Applied Logistic Regression, , New York: John Wiley & Sons Corrêa, Z.M.S., Goldhardt, R., Marcon, A.S., Marcon, I.M., Achados ecográficos em pacientes com catarata total (2002) Arq Bras Oftalmol, 65, pp. 609-613