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Packets Reconstruction Proposals Applied To Waveform Coding Techniques For Voip Solution [técnicas De Reconstrução De Pacotes Aplicadas à Codificadores De Forma De Onda Para Voip - Técnicas Propostas]
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Ieee Latin America Transactions. , v. 1, n. 1, p. 1 - 7, 2003.
Ribeiro M.V.
This paper proposes new waveform reconstruction techniques derived from wavelet transform and multilayer perceptron neural networks to reconstruct the speech segments that were lost in a transmission through best effort networks, such as Internet based on IP protocol. Also, a voiced-unvoiced-silence (V-U-S) recognition technique based on mutilayer perceptron neural networks is presented. The use of this recognition technique enhances the performance of the proposed reconstruction since proper configurations of them are applied to each type of speech segments. The reported results reveal that the proposed reconstruction techniques outperform the previous one when the G.722.1 standard from ITU-T is considered as a speech coding technique of a VoIP solution. 1 1 1 7 Sweet, L., Toss your dimes-Internet video phones have arrived (1997) ZD Internet Magazine, ,, Ago Lin, D., (1998) Real-time Voice Transmissions over the Internet, , Tese de Mestrado, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Dez Chin, K.V., Hui, S.C., Foo, S., Packet voice recovery techniques for real-time voice communication Proc. 1998 IEEE 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications/6th Singapore International Conference on Communications Systems, pp. 122-126 Davidson, J., Peters, J., (2000) Voice over IP Fundamentals, , Cisco Press, Indianapolis Chen, Z.G., (1997) Coding and Transmission of Digital Video on the Internet, , Tese de Doutorado, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL Ribeiro, M.V., (2001) Técnicas de Reconstrução de Pacotes Baseadas Em Transformada Wavelet e Redes Neurais Aplicadas a Codificadores de Forma de Onda Em Telefonia IP, , Tese de Mestrado, UNICAMP Wah, B.W., Lin, D., Su, X., Streaming real-time audio and video with transformation-based error concealment and reconstruction Proc. 2000 First Int. Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, 1, pp. 1-11 Wah, B.W., Su, X., Lin, D., A Survey of error-concealment schemes for real-time audio and video transmissions over the Internet Proc. 2000 IEEE Int. Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering, pp. 17-24, S.G., A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: The wavelet representation (1989) IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 11 (7), pp. 674-693. , Jul Burrus, C.S., Gopinath, R.A., Guo, H., (1998) Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms: A Primer, , Prentice Hall, New Jersey Daubechies, I., (1992) Ten Lectures on Wavelets, , SIAM, Philadelphia Vitterli, M., Kovacevic, J., (1995) Wavelets and Subband Coding, , Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Haykin, S., (1999) Neural Networks A Comprehensive Foundation, , Prentice Hall, New Jersey (1999) Coding at 24 and 32kbit/s for Handsfree Operation in Systems with Low Frame Loss, , ITU-T Recommendation G.722.1, (PREPUBLISHED RECOMMENDATION), Set Chen, Y.-L., Chen, B.-S., Model based multirate representation of speech signals and its applications to recovery of missing speech packets (1997) IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, 5 (3), pp. 220-231. , Maio Wah, B.W., Lin, D., Transformation-based reconstruction for audio transmissions over the Internet (1999) IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 1 (4), pp. 342-351. , Dez Hellendoorn, H., After the fuzzy wave reached Europe (1997) European Journal of Operation Research, 99, pp. 58-71 Back, T., Schwefel, H.P., An overview of evolutionary algorithms for parameter optimization (1993) Evoutionary Computation, 1 (1), pp. 1-23 The VS SRC Sample Rate Converter, ,, VLSI Solution OY Drago, P.G., Molinari, A.M., Vagliani, F.C., Digital dynamic speech detectors (1978) IEEE Trans. on Communications, 26, pp. 140-145. , Jan Atal, B.S., Rabiner, L.R., A pattern recognition approach to voiced-unvoiced-silence classification with applications to speech recognition (1976) IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ASSP-24 (3), pp. 201-212. , Jun Hussain, A., Samad, S.A., Ban Fah, L., Endpoint detection of speech signal using neural network Proc. 2000 IEEE TENCON, 1, pp. 271-274 Wu, G.-D., Lin, C.-T., A recurrent neural fuzzy network for word boundary detection in variable noise-level environments (2001) IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B, 31 (1), pp. 84-97. , Fev Qi, Y., Hunt, B.R., Voiced-unvoiced-silence classification of speech using hybrid features and a network classifier (1993) IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 1 (2), pp. 250-255. , Abr