dc.creatorSantos E.O.
dc.creatorDos Santos J.M.C.
dc.creatorArruda J.R.F.
dc.identifierInternational Congress On Noise Control Engineering 2005, Internoise 2005. , v. 4, n. , p. 2771 - 2779, 2005.
dc.descriptionThe Energy Finite Element Method (EFEM) is based upon an approximation of the partial differential equations that result from the energy balance and energy coupling relations for different structural configurations and wave types. The coupling relations are used to describe the energy exchange among various subsystems. The EFEM can be expressed in a standard finite element (FE) approach, which is similar to a heat conduction problem. The Spectral Element Method (SEM) is based upon the exact solution of the partial differential equations in the frequency domain. Elements are assembled using the direct stiffness method. Therefore, a spectral element is equivalent to an infinite number of finite elements for a homogeneous medium. For this reason, the SEM, when it can be used, is more adequate to predict the dynamic response at higher frequencies than the FE method. In this paper, these two methods are used to predict the dynamic response of frame-type structures at high frequencies. Responses simulated with EFEM involving longitudinal and transversal waves in coupled beams are analyzed and compared with the solutions obtained by SEM. Experimental results from the INCE T-shaped beam are presented and compared with the simulated results.
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dc.relationInternational Congress on Noise Control Engineering 2005, INTERNOISE 2005
dc.titleDynamic Analysis Of Frame Structures At High Frequencies Using Energy Finite Elements And Spectral Elements
dc.typeActas de congresos

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