Artículos de revistas
Photocatalytical Degradation Of Bentazone With Tio2 [degradação Fotocalítica De Bentazona Com Tio2]
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Engenharia Sanitaria E Ambiental. , v. 19, n. 1, p. 61 - 66, 2014.
Schneider M.V.
Rosa M.F.
Lobo V.S.
Bariccatti R.A.
This study evaluated the oxidative degradation of the post-emerging herbicide Basagran® 600 by photolysis and photocatalysis using TiO2 as catalyst, and both processes were compared in their efficiency. The experiments were done irradiating aqueous solutions of the herbicide in a slurry type reactor. The treatments were accompanied by spectrophotometry in the UV-visible range observing the band centered in 335 nm. The first process showed rather ineffective, being observed minimal reduction of the absorbance values. On the other hand, the second process was much more efficient, being observed, after 270 min of irradiation, 100% absorbance reduction of the band in the choose wavelength. 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