Actas de congresos
Auralization For Classroom Acoustics
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12th International Congress On Sound And Vibration 2005, Icsv 2005. , v. 2, n. , p. 1136 - 1143, 2005.
De Avelar Gomes M.H.
Bertoli S.R.
Speech intelligibility is traditionally evaluated through tests that include speaker and listeners in a room. In the designing process, similar evaluations can be performed through a classical methodology, that takes the Reverberation Time and background noise into account, or through the assessment of speech-related parameters from the simulated Impulse Responses. The development of auralization techniques in the past decades has made it possible to perform listening tests in a virtual environment. However, simulated Impulse Responses of rooms usually do not include the background noise. This paper reports first steps towards a methodology for the evaluation of speech intelligibility in virtual classrooms, using auralized signals. Listening tests in an actual room are compared to tests performed with simulated Impulse Responses. Background noise of spectral content similar to the fan noise in the actual classroom were added to the test signals. 2
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